Szkolenia SECO-Institute

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: SECO-CMF | wersja: 1

Crisis Management Foundation (CMF) introduces you to the fundamentals of effective crisis management and crisis communications. In the course, you will familiarize yourself with the crisis management lifecycle, and you will learn what activities you need to perform in each crisis-stage to work towards successful recovery. You will understand how an internal crisis organisation functions and what resources it needs to perform its tasks. You will acquire the basics of crisis management planning and reputation management; and you will gain insight into best practices for managing employee and media communications during a crisis.

What will you learn?

  • Factors that may trigger a crisis, what crisis management activities should be performed in each stage
  • Crisis management strategy and organisation
  • Effective internal and external crisis communications, Stakeholder analysis, crisis communication and reputation management

Who should attend?

The course is suitable for absolute beginners interested in learning the basics of crisis management and crisis communications. If you already have a good understanding of crisis management principles and you would like to gain more in-depth knowledge, we advise you to register for the Practitioner level.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Introduction to managing a crisis

    Understand what factors may trigger a crisis and learn what crisis management activities should be performed in each stage of the crisis. Learn how a Crisis Management Organisation should operate, and what aspects should be included in an organisation’s crisis management strategy.

    • Definition of crisis, crisis management and crisis communications
    • The relationship between crisis management and business continuity management
    • The characteristics and impact of a crisis
    • The Crisis Management Organisation
    • The Crisis Management Plan
    • The crisis management process
  2. Reputation Management

    Understand the importance of reputation management. Learn what measures an organisation can take to build and maintain a good reputation.

    • Making reputation a priority
    • Crisis communication and reputation management
  3. Internal and external crisis communications

    Learn how to enhance the effectiveness of your internal and external crisis communications. Perform a stakeholder analysis to improve your crisis communications and learn how to handle (social) media platforms effectively during a crisis. Understand what additional factors you will need to deal with in a cross-border crisis situation.

    • Communication within the Crisis Management Team
    • Internal crisis communications
    • External crisis communications
    • Structured approach to handling social media and the press
    • International crisis management
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

This is an entry-level course. No previous knowledge or experience is required.

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 2 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by SECO-Institute, S-CMF (SECO-CMF) Crisis Management Foundation Certificate if pass the exam. The exam it is a computer-based exam and take 1 hour and consist of 40 multiple choice questions with pass mark: 60% (60 points out of 100 points).

Each participant in an authorized Crisis Management Foundation training will receive a one free attempt to S-CMF exam.


Certified SECO-Institute trainer.

Informacje dodatkowe

1 year free SECO-Membership for participants who pass the exam.

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