Szkolenia ISC2

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

Official ISC2 CBK Training Seminars for the CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional)

This course is for individuals planning to pursue the CCSP certification. The CCSP is ideal for IT and information security leaders seeking to prove their understanding of cybersecurity and securing critical assets in the cloud. It shows you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to design, manage and secure data, applications and infrastructure in the cloud.

Each participant in an authorized training ISC2 CCSP Certification Prep Course held in Compendium CE will receive a free CCSP Certification Exam voucher.

Led by an ISC2 authorized instructor, this training seminar provides a comprehensive review and refresh knowledge and identify areas they need to study for the CCSP exam, covering the following six domains of the CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK®):

  • Domain 1. Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design
  • Domain 2. Cloud Data Security
  • Domain 3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security
  • Domain 4. Cloud Application Security
  • Domain 5. Cloud Security Operations
  • Domain 6. Legal, Risk and Compliance


Course objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand legal frameworks and guidelines that affect cloud services.
  • Recognize the fundamentals of data privacy regulatory/legislative mandates.
  • Assess risks, vulnerability, threats, and attacks in the cloud environment.
  • Evaluate the design and plan for cloud infrastructure security controls.
  • Evaluate what is necessary to manage security operations.
  • Understand what operational controls and standards to implement.
  • Describe the types of cloud deployment models in the types of “as a service” cloud models currently available today.
  • Identify key terminology, and associated definitions related to cloud technology.
  • Establish a common terminology for use with in your team or workgroup.
  • Build a business case for cloud adoption and determine business units that benefit from cloud migration strategies.


Intended audience

Prior to taking this course, the learner should have the experience, skills or knowledge obtained while serving in roles similar to the following:

  • Security Manager
  • Systems Architect
  • Systems Engineer
  • Security Architect
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Engineer
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Security Administrator

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  • Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design
    • Understand Cloud Computing Concepts
    • Describe Cloud Reference Architecture
    • Understand Security Concepts Relevant to Cloud Computing
    • Understand Design Principles of Secure Cloud Computing
    • Evaluate Cloud Service Providers
  • Cloud Governance: Legal, Risk and Compliance
    • Explain the issues with international conflict of law
    • Interpret guidelines for digital forensics
    • Identify the fundamentals of data privacy regulatory/legislative mandates
    • Summarize audit process, methodologies and cloud-ready adaptations
    • Describe risk management related to cloud services
    • Identify due care/diligence activities related to service contracts
  • Cloud Data Security
    • Describe Cloud Data Concepts
    • Design and Implement Cloud Data Storage Architectures
    • Design and Apply Data Security Technologies and Strategies
    • Implement Data Discovery
    • Implement Data Classification
    • Design and Implement Information Rights Management (IRM)
    • Plan and Implement Data Retention, Deletion and Archiving Policies
    • Design and Implement Auditability, Traceability and Accountability of Data Events
  • Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security
    • Comprehend Cloud Infrastructure Components
    • Design a Secure Data Center
    • Analyze Risks Associated with Cloud Infrastructure
    • Design and Plan Security Controls
    • Plan Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)
  • Cloud Application Security
    • Advocate Training and Awareness for Application Security
    • Describe the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Process
    • Apply the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
    • Apply Cloud Software Assurance and Validation
    • Use Verified Secure Software
    • Comprehend the Specifics of Cloud Application Architecture
    • Design Appropriate Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions
  • Cloud Security Operations
    • Implement and Build Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
    • Operate Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
    • Manage Physical and Logical Infrastructure for Cloud Environment
    • Implement Operational Controls and Standards (e.g., Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 20000-1)
    • Support Digital Forensics
    • Manage Communication with Relevant Parties
    • Manage Security Operations
Pobierz konspekt szkolenia w formacie PDF

Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

Candidates for CCSP must have a minimum of five years cumulative paid work experience in information technology, of which three years must be in information security and one year in one or more of the six domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning CSA’s CCSK certificate can be substituted for one year of experience in one or more of the six domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning ISC2’s CISSP credential can be substituted for the entire CCSP experience requirement.

A candidate who doesn’t have the required experience to become a CCSP may become an Associate of ISC2 by successfully passing the CCSP examination. The Associate of ISC2 will then have six years to earn the five years required experience.

Part-time work and internships may also count towards your experience.

Your work experience must fall within one or more of the six domains of the CCSP CBK:

  • Domain 1. Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design
  • Domain 2. Cloud Governance: Legal, Risk and Compliance
  • Domain 3. Cloud Data Security
  • Domain 4. Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security
  • Domain 5. Cloud Application Security
  • Domain 6. Cloud Security Operations

More information

Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 5 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by ISC2 (course completion).

In order to complete the course, receive a certificate of completion and earn ISC2 continuing professional education (CPE) credits learners must:

  • Complete all learning activities within the course.
  • Complete a course evaluation.
  • Score 70% or higher on the final assessment.

A Certificate of Completion will be provided in class by your instructor once you have completed a course by meeting all the requirements. Please retain the certificate of completion as proof of credits earned.

This course will help prepare you also for the CCSP certification exam available at Pearson VUE test centers.

Each participant in an authorized training ISC2 CCSP Certification Prep Course held in Compendium CE will receive a free CCSP Certification Exam voucher.


ISC2 Authorized Instructor

Informacje dodatkowe

Participating in this training you get 40 CPE (Continuing Professional Education) credits.

CPE credits for ISC2 credentials must be self-reported by members and associates through the ISC2 CPE Portal accessible via using your member login credentials.

CPE credits earned for this course may be eligible for continuing professional education credits for non-ISC2 certifications. Please visit the continuing education requirements established by the credentialing organization for eligibility.

For specific questions related to your CPE credits or the CPE portal please contact member support -

The Official ISC2 CBK Training Seminar for the CCSP has earned ACE CREDIT. Students who complete the course can apply for two hours of lower division credit at participating universities and colleges. For more information

Pozostałe szkolenia ISC2 | Cyber security

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    poziom trudności: 4 z 6
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    2024-12-09 | Warszawa / Wirtualna sala HYBRID: szkolenie dostępne w wersji stacjonarnej we wskazanej lokalizacji lub w trybie zdalnym, w zależności od preferencji uczestnika MTG: możliwy termin gwarantowany zarezerwuj
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  • szkolenie dostępne w wersji stacjonarnej we wskazanej lokalizacji lub w trybie zdalnym, w zależności od preferencji uczestnika: HYBRID
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Szkolenie stacjonarne

Szkolenia stacjonarne w Compendium CE odbywają się najczęściej w naszych lokalizacjach w Krakowie i Warszawie, ale także w miejscu ustalonym przez klienta. Grupa uczestnicząca w szkoleniu spotyka się w danym miejscu o określonym czasie i wraz z trenerem aktywnie uczestniczy w laboratoriach.

Szkolenie dlearning

W szkoleniach Compendium Distance Learning możesz uczestniczyć z dowolnego miejsca na świecie. Kursanci, dzięki zaawansowanej technologii, którą dostarcza Compendium CE, stale widzą i słyszą trenera, mogą mu zadawać pytania poprzez chat i mikrofon, a także uczestniczą w ćwiczeniach i laboratoriach, które rozwiązują wraz z prowadzącym. Po więcej informacji zajrzyj na stronę


Materiały papierowe

Materiały tradycyjne: cena zawiera standardowe materiały wydawane w postaci książek papierowych, drukowanych lub innej, w zależności od ustaleń z producentem.

Materiały elektroniczne

Materiały elektroniczne: są to materiały szkoleniowe w wersji elektronicznej, które w zależności od dostawcy udostępniane są za pomocą dedykowanych aplikacji: Skillpipe, eVantage itd. lub w postaci dokumentów PDF.

Materiały ctab

Materiały ctab: cena zawiera tablet ctab oraz materiały szkoleniowe w formie elektronicznej bądź tradycyjne materiały szkoleniowe i materiały dodatkowe dostarczone w wersji elektronicznej w zależności od ustaleń z producentem (w postaci dokumentów PDF lub EPUB). Tak dostarczone materiały są przystosowane pod kątem wyświetlania ich na tablecie ctab. Po więcej informacji zajrzyj na stronę ctab.

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Harmonogram szkoleń ISC2