Szkolenia Fortinet

Cel szkolenia szkolenie zdalne - dlearning

kod: FT-EFW | wersja: 7.2.x

In this course, you will learn how to implement and centrally manage an enterprise security infrastructure composed of multiple FortiGate devices.

Enterprise Firewall course doesn’t include parts related to the troubleshooting process and tools. These topics are covered in a separate training: Network Security Support Engineer.


After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Integrate FortiManager, FortiAnalyzer, and multiple FortiGate devices using the Fortinet Security Fabric
  • Centralize the management and monitoring of network security events
  • Optimize FortiGate resources
  • Harden the enterprise services
  • Implement a high availability solution on FortiGate
  • Simultaneously deploy IPsec tunnels to multiple sites using the FortiManager VPN console
  • Configure ADVPN to enable on-demand VPN tunnels between sites
  • Combine OSPF and BGP to route the enterprise traffic

Who Should Attend

Networking and security professionals involved in the design and administration of an enterprise security infrastructure using FortiGate devices should attend this course.

This course assumes advanced knowledge of networking, and extensive hands-on experience working with FortiGate, FortiManager, and FortiAnalyzer.

Plan szkolenia Rozwiń listę

  1. Introduction to Network Security Architecture
  2. Hardware Acceleration
  3. Security Fabric
  4. High Availability
  5. Central Management
  6. OSPF
  7. Border Gateway Protocol
  8. FortiGuard and Security Profiles
  9. Intrusion Prevention System
  10. IPsec VPN
  11. Auto-Discovery VPN
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Dodatkowe informacje

Wymagania wstępne

You must have an understanding of the topics covered in the following courses, or have equivalent experience:

  • FortiGate Security & FortiGate Infrastructure


  • FortiGate Administrator

It is also recommended that you have an understanding of the topics covered in the following courses, or have equivalent experience:

  • FortiManager
  • FortiAnalyzer
Poziom trudności
Czas trwania 3 dni

The participants will obtain certificates signed by Fortinet.

This course is intended also to help you prepare for the FCSS – Enterprise Firewall exam. This exam is part of the following certification tracks:

  • Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist - Network Security

Enterprise Firewall certification exam is a mandatory steps required to gain the Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist (FCSS) title in the specialization of Network Security. Fortinet certification exams are offered at Pearson Vue test centers worldwide. More information about Fortinet Certification Program on the


Fortinet Certified Trainer (FCT).

Informacje dodatkowe


  • CPE training hours: 9
  • CPE lab hours: 8
  • CISSP domains: Security Operations
Szkolenia powiązane tematycznie

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